Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mission Complete

Here are some photos of the completed pool project! After Disneyland, Javi got right to work painting the stucco wall, and it looks awesome! So then, i decided we just couldn't stop there. I got on the phone and ordered 12 tons of dirt, and sod to lay grass in the backyard! Javi was non-stop! But the end result is great! It is so lovely outside now! You couldn't even beleive it was such a disaster a few weeks ago! These pics were taken on a rainy day, so it was a little overcast outside. We've already had a few "pool parties" to break in the backyard. It's been a great summer. Now, we are trying to get all our swim time in because there are really only a few more weeks of good hot weather! will be starting!!! Yikes!

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1 comment:

shortyvbod said...

It all looks great!!:) Sounds like you have both put a lot of work into it. Can't wait to so you and your family as well. Only about two weeks.
